Director of Golf Report – March 2013

by Brian Duthu

Pro Shops

Revenue generation proved difficult as cold mornings continued throughout most of February.  Eighteen of the twenty-eight days recorded low temperatures below historical averages.   This February also had one less day that 2012, as 2012 was a leap year.  Comparing the first 28 days of 2012 to 2013, Green Fee/Cart Fee revenue was $25,000 behind.  Merchandise was $2,000 ahead and Driving Range revenue was flat.  With the 29th of 2012 added back in total revenue from these three categories was $43,000 behind previous year.

Wilson hosted a demo day on February 4th at Riverview G.C. generating over $2000 in sales.  Wilson will return to Riverview on March 20th and will have representatives on hand to answer questions and assist with product selection.  They will be on site from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m..

Our first night tournament of the year, scheduled for March 29th, is sold out.  Participants will receive a “night” ball, dinner and night golf accessories.  Check-in is 5:30 p.m., dinner served at 6:00 p.m. and the event scheduled to start at 7:00 p.m.  Our second night event is scheduled for April 27, entries are available at each pro shop.  The entry fee is $25.00.


The bidding process for the Willowbrook bunker renovation has begun.  Our pre-bid meeting was conducted on March 12th and was attended by Gary Brawley, the architect for the project.  Four contractors, which met the bidding requirements, were in attendance.  Bids are due March 29th and a contractor will be chosen by April 10th.  Contractors were asked to put into their bid, the possibility of leaving 9 holes open at the start of construction, which will be May 6th.

With warmer temperatures, our bermuda grass has begun emerging from dormancy.  Bermuda does not grow vigorously until overnight temperatures remain at 65 or above, however it has already begun turning green.  To relieve winter compaction and to promote growth, the roughs will begin to be aeri-vated.

A second fountain at South, donated by area homeowners, has been installed on hole #17.  In addition to South, the fountain on hole #5 at Willowbrook was repaired and the fountain on hole #2 at Lakes West was replaced.

Snack Shops

With reduced play on the courses, snack shop revenue for the month was $5,000 behind budget.

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