General Manager Report – March 2013

by Jan Ek

Financial Report:

We have operated within our operating and capital budget year-to-date.  Unfortunately, we have ended February 2013 with slightly more than $150k short in golf revenue year-to-date as compared to budget.  Food service also remains around $15k short of its revenue budget year-to-date.  I want to remind everyone that this is the time of year when we collect the highest percentage of assessments, and therefore, we accumulate considerable cash at this time of year which is used to pay for the operating and capital expenses throughout the remainder of the year.  So when you see the money accumulating in our operating accounts, it is only temporary. 

Bowling Centers:

All lower automatic scoring monitors have been replaced at both bowling centers.  The new monitors are 15” flat panels that replaced the fourteen year old monitors which became cost prohibitive to maintain due to replacement availability and rising repair costs.

On Sunday March 17, 2013, the Bowling Department held their annual League Officers Appreciation Tournament.  All Bowling League Officers were invited to participate; there were seventy entries in the tournament.  The annual tournament gives the bowling centers the opportunity to gather all league officers together so we can express our appreciation for all their hard work and dedication.

Cardholder Services:

Payments made by property owners in outside collections totaled $6,554 in February with payments from 12 property owners.  Our new outside collection company has started collection efforts but has not yet reported payment information to us.

The payments on past due assessments lagged again in February from the increase last month and were 20% below the monthly average for the past year.  January billings went past due at a slightly higher than average rate while the rate for December balances going over 60 days past due was slightly less than average.  Both of these changes are very close to the same rates from a year ago.  At the end of February, outstanding balances related to property transfers decreased by 9% and represent 51% of receivables due and past due balances.

Year to date, the Cardholder Services office has printed new cards for 6,650 cardholders.  This is an almost six-fold increase from the 1,140 cardholders in the first two months of last year.  This increase was expected but is still significant.  We appreciate the patience shown by cardholders as this increase has caused some additional wait times in the office. 

Trustee sale notices on Sun City properties continue to be reduced at 88 for the end of February.  The number of properties owned by lending institutions remained steady at 80 during this month.

The Preservation and Improvement Fees collected in February were $546,000 with the resale activity continuing the higher trend started in January.  Year to date PIF fees are $1,041,000, or 73.5%, over budget.

Human Resources:

The U.S. Dept. of Labor has amended the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) as a result of the National Defense Authorization Act. The amendments extend military caregiver leave to eligible employees whose family members are recent veterans with serious injuries or illnesses, and expanded the definition of a serious injury or illness to include those resulting from preexisting conditions. Also expanded was the qualifying exigency leave to employees with family members serving in the regular Armed Forces, and added a requirement that for all qualifying exigency leave the military member must be deployed to a foreign country.  The second part of the amendment addresses Airline Flight Crews which does not affect RCSC.

RCSC is in the process of updating the FMLA policy and required labor law posters.

The Department of Homeland Security released a new version of the Form I-9 on March 8. The form is required to identify and verify newly hired individuals’ rights to work in the US. The “condensed” form went from a one page document to a two page document. Employers can use the old form until May 7; however, RCSC began using the new form upon release. The DHS will not complete an update of the handbook until later; however, instructions are clear on the forms.

Events & Entertainment:

Thank you everyone who came out and shared our first annual Del Webb Days!  What an exciting day! Gourmet food trucks arrived early and were ready with great eats.  There was dancing, singing, and laughing until the very end. What a great way to spend out very first Del Webb Days!

Professional ballroom dancers flocked to the Valley to meet up with our very own Sun City Stars, three male Board members and three female senior management members.  After a week of intense dancing routines, last night we performed in Dancing with the Stars for the coveted Mirrored Ball Trophy!  And the winner was: Jan Ek.  Theresa Cirino placed second.


The market is debuting today, Thursday, March 28th from 8am to noon.  Local farmers and vendors will be selling fruits and vegetables along with a wide variety of culinary treats including cage free eggs, grass-fed meats, specialty cheeses, locally produced honey, fresh baked goods and dips such as hummus, salsas, jams and jellies.  RCSC clubs will have their wares for sale and members available to share the benefits of club membership. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to make this part of their weekly shopping routine.

Saturday March 30th, @ 9:00 am ~ ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT ~ Sun Bowl~ Free Event

Fun for all ages; kids ages 3-6 hunt for candy or prize filled eggs.  We have stuffed over 1000 eggs, there will be prizes; face painting; story telling; you can watch the movie “An Easter Bunny Puppy”; make Easter Bonnets; meet the Easter Bunny and play with the baby bunnies and baby Chicks at the Petting Zoo (Courtesy of Pratt’s Pets).  You won’t want to miss this event even if you just come and watch!



Nicole Pesce Quartet, will be performing at the Sundial on Wed. April 10th @ 7:00 pm.  Nicole is recognized as one of the “top ten musicians to hear in Phoenix” by the Arizona Republic. Her musical repertoire consists of over 12,000 memorized numbers.  This is a “must see” performance. Tickets are on sale for $12.50 and can be purchased at the Clubs office or over the phone with tickets placed at will-call to pick up the night of the performance. For more information please call the Clubs & Activities Office at 623-561-4660.

Sun Bowl

Don’t miss Joe Bourne’s Motown Show on Sunday, March 31st at the Sun Bowl, our outdoor amphitheater, at 7pm. 

In April, Sunday the 7th, we have Cold Shott and the Hurricane Horns; Sunday, April 14th, come see the Burnett Family Bluegrass performance; Sunday, April 21st is the all time favorite, a tribute to the Beatles, and to close out the month, on Sunday, April 28th you can’t miss the Tribute to Elvis.  All April shows times are 7:00pm.

All Sun Bowl shows are free and you bring your own chair or blanket.

Gourmet Food Vendors will be at all the Sun Bowl shows providing a wide variety of food for your enjoyment.  All vendors will be set up and ready to serve 1½ prior to show times.


For those who may not be aware, the monthly management reports are available on our website under the corporate tab.  Also, if you have not done so already, please sign up on the RCSC email list where you can designate topics of interest and stay in the loop with RCSC news alert emails! We have forms available at the table in the back so you can sign up before you leave today.

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