Director of Golf Report – June 2013

by Brian Duthu

Pro Shops
For the third consecutive month revenue exceeded prior year actual and budget. Green Fee/ Cart Fee revenue exceeded budget by $2158, despite a decline in rounds played over prior year. Merchandise revenue was $499 under budget and Driving Range revenue exceeded budget by $1557. Year to date revenue numbers continue to suffer due to weather related issues in January and February. Revenue performance over the last three months is a good indication that our revenue planning for 2013 was sound.

We have recently reestablished our relationship with Golf Hub, an online reseller of tee times. Recent changes to their marketing strategies and software, renewed our confidence in their ability to helps us achieve our revenue goals.

Snack Shops
Snack Shop revenue was $2,550 behind budget and $168 behind last year. Food and Beverage sales per round increased slightly to $1.94/round from $1.92/round. The decline in golf rounds was a contributing factor in Snack Shop revenue performance.

Aerification of fairways and tees using a 3/4 inch tines is complete and the annual rye grass used for overseeding has checked out. During this period of transition, we remind everyone that playing conditions will not be ideal. Conditions will vary depending on the efficiency of the golf course’s irrigation system. Watering a “hot spot” to recover turf coverage, often leads to overwatering otherwise healthy areas. The overwatering will lead to saturated wet spots. We appreciate everyone’s patience as we move through transition.

In conjunction with watering practices tees and fairways have been fertilized with ammonium sulfate to promote bermuda growth. A slow release fertilizer has been applied to the greens, followed by verticutting and topdressing.

The final green aerification will begin at the courses July 11 at Lakes West. Please refer to the calendar on the website for the full schedule.

The bunker renovation at Willowbrook is well underway. The renovation to the back 9 bunkers has been completed and areas of disturbance have been sodded or sprigged. Work has been begun on the front 9. We ask that anyone wishing to view the progress of the renovation do so from the cart path and during non-work hours. The reopening of the course will be announced, when turf has fully grown-in and/or recovered.

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