Assistant General Manager Report – December 2013

by Jim Wellman

General Centers Projects and Information

  • Vern White has filled the Building and Infrastructure Coordinator vacancy created when Josephine Karacsony resigned her position. Mr. White comes with some impressive skills and experience which also include working the last two years at Bell Center as Utility Worker and Lead Utility Worker. Congratulations Vern!

Mt. View Center

  • The new swimming pool deck lighting is now completed. With the installation of the lighted solar canopy over the mini golf course, the mini golf lighting pole is no longer necessary. Contractor was Accel Electric. (Estimated Cost – $40,000)
  • The RCSC will be replacing the existing (4) pickleball courts and adding another (3) pickleball courts in 2013. All seven court surfaces will be constructed using post tension concrete. Submittal for building permit and construction proposals are in process. Once all bids have been received, the project will be sent to the RCSC Bid Commission for final project approval. The two tennis courts at Mt. View will remain open for use during this project.

Fairway Center / South Golf Maintenance

  • The replacement 6,000 s.f. South Golf Maintenance building is about completed. On December 11th APS installed the primary cables through previously installed conduits for the new electrical service. APS will set the new transformer soon. In addition, Jokake Construction must replace the panel or meter base to conform to new code, which requires an 8 pin socket. Contractors to date include Bunger Steel, Inc, Jokake Construction, Northstar Construction, CCBG Architectural and Accel Electric. (Budgeted Cost – $600,000, After insurance)

Oakmont Center

  • The new Oakmont pool and equipment room project has been submitted to Maricopa County Building and Planning and Maricopa County Environmental Services Departments for necessary permits. In addition, the project has been sent to construction companies for construction proposals. Once all proposals are received the project will be submitted to the RCSC bid commission for final project approval. Contractors to date include CCBG Architectural and Aquatic Builders.

Lakeview Center

  • The East Ramps (red entrance) at Lakeview Center will be replaced soon with ramps that meet ADA code requirements. The slope of the new ramps will be significantly reduced making entry to the lower and upper levels much easier to navigate for cardholders and guests. The project is awaiting Maricopa County permit approval and the return of construction proposals. Once the construction proposals are received, the project will go to the RCSC bid commission for final approval. Contractor to date is CCBG Architectural.

Bell Center

  • Two high efficiency commercial water heaters for the outside shower rooms and swimming pool showers were found to be beyond repair. The water heaters will be replaced soon with (5) Rinnai tankless commercial water heaters. The new tankless water heaters will save energy while providing all the hot water needed for this facility. Contractor is Sunland Plumbing and Construction. (Cost – $25,381)
  • Four mechanical units (HVAC) will be replaced soon as they have served their useful life. Contractor is Sunland Plumbing and Construction. (Cost – $29,990)

Sundial Center / Riverview Pro/Snack Shop

  • The two electronic display signs for Sundial Center are scheduled to be installed January 7th and 8th, 2014. One sign will be located on the Boswell side of Sundial Center and the other on the 103rd Ave side of Sundial Center. Contractors for this project are Bootz and Duke Sign Company, Supercharged Electric and Ken McIntyre Construction. Cost – $102,107)
  • Three mechanical units (HVAC) will be replaced soon as they have served their useful life. Contractor is Sunland Plumbing and Construction. (Cost – $38,360)

Marinette Center

  • The building plans for the Marinette building expansion are in the final stage of development by various engineers and the architect. As soon as the plans are completed they will be reviewed and forwarded to Maricopa County Planning and Development Department for permit and to construction companies for bid proposals. Once the proposals are obtained, the project will be submitted to the RCSC bid commission for final approval. Site and floor plan drawings are on display for cardholders at various centers, including Marinette, Bell, Sundial, Lakeview and Fairway.

Skilled Trades Department

  • The RCSC Skilled Trades department completed 84 work orders during the last half of November and the 1st half of December 2013. This total does not include other routine and specialized work completed outside of the work order system.

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