Director of Golf Report – December 2013

by Brian Duthu

Pro Shops

Total revenue for November finished $31,376 behind budget. Green Fee/Cart Fees (including golf pass revenue) were $35,411 behind budget, merchandise finished $3,838 ahead of budget and driving range revenue was $740 ahead of budget. Two days of rain, followed by a day of cart path only, resulted in lost revenues of $25,000 to $30,000.

Year-to-date total golf revenue is $142,962 behind budget. Through savings in Cost of Sales and Total Operating Expenses we have recovered $37,240 of our revenue deficit, bringing our Net Operating Excess/Deficit to within $105,722 for the year.

Our Beat the Pro event, supporting Sun City CAN once again lived up to its name, with 83% of the teams beating the “pros”. We surpassed our fund raising goal of $2500, reaching $3,088 in total donations. Many raffle prizes were lined up thanks to the efforts of Janine Millette from Willowcreek and Sue Presta, our Golf Administrative Coordinator. Next year’s event is tentatively scheduled to coincide with the North Golf Course Grand Re-Opening, following the renovation. Tripp Davis and Gary Brawley, the Golf Course Architects responsible for our golf course master plans, have tentatively agreed to participate as well. We are hoping to make the event Beat the Pros and the Architects.

Snack Shops

Sales in the snack shops finished $1,103 behind budget. The wet weekend also affected their performance to budget. For the year Snack Shop revenue is $2,749 ahead of budget and $20,960 ahead of their Net Operating Excess/Deficit budget.

Golf Courses

With the first frosts of the year, the weak overseeding spots have been exposed, particularly at Willowcreek. Courses have begun an aggressive fertilization program and have re-seeded the weakest spots. Improvement will be most noticeable once warmer day time temperatures are reached.

The North Renovation project has started on time, with work beginning on hole #8. If you choose to observe any part of the process, we ask that you avoid any areas that are active work sites. This is both for your safety and the safety of the work crews. Gary Brawley, the golf course architect, will be providing monthly updates in the Sun Views. Pine logs will occasionally be split and placed in the parking lot for resident use. The work crews are expected to be off property from December 21st through January 2nd.

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