Director of Golf Report – August 2015

by Brian Duthu

Pro Shops

Total rounds are still behind prior year YTD, however July rounds increased from prior year. Total rounds played in July exceeded 14,000, the first time they have done so since 2012. For the month 94% of rounds played were played by residents and their guests, which is only slightly under the YTD average. We thank all of our residents for supporting our RCSC golf courses.

We currently have 34 participants signed up to participate in our Patriot Day golf event on September 4th. This is well behind our total participants from last year and we were looking for many more golfers to help us support this wonderful cause. Patriot Golf Day was organized, with the help of PGA of America, to raise funds for the Folds of Honor Foundation. The money raised is used to fund scholarships for spouses and children of military service men and women killed or disabled while serving our country. Starters will also be collecting donations through the pro shops from September 4th through September 6th.

Snack Shops

Snack Shop revenue benefitted from increased play, exceeding budgeted revenue by $1,800. Normal Snack Shop closing time remains at 1:00 p.m., however hours can be extended should the demand arise. We are very excited with the ongoing renovations to the Riverview patio and are eagerly awaiting the reopening.


Palm tree trimming began at Willowcreek and is continuing throughout all the courses, with the exception of Riverview. Palm trees at Riverview will be trimmed closer to the reopening. Due to the grow-in, many areas remain too wet for the large trucks performing the trimming.

The Riverview project is fully grassed and remains on schedule for a November 14th reopening. The greens are continuing their fertilization program and are responding as expected. Greens are currently mowed six times per week. In addition to mowing the greens are top dressed with USGA greens one to two times per week. Some areas that are not responding to sprigging will be sodded the week of August 24th. In September fairway lines will be painted out in preparation for the AGA and AWGA course rating teams.

As a reminder, the greens at Riverview will not be over-seeded this year and newly sodded/sprigged areas will be firm. The greens will putt well when first opened but will be hard, especially late Winter and early Spring of 2016. The conditions at Riverview will closely resemble those experienced at North, following its renovation. Conditions will remain firm until enough organic matter is built up in the soil.

We are about a month away from beginning over-seeding on all courses. As a reminder we have pushed back the start of over-seeding, to the first full week in October. We are hopeful that the later start will provide cooler and more favorable growing conditions for the winter grass, helping us to avoid the challenges we faced last year.

Lawn Bowling/Grounds

The Lakeview renovation continues on schedule. The greens are mowed four times per week. The height of the greens is lowered in small increments. Lower green heights help the plant to grow laterally. The greens are fertilized and top-dressed weekly.

Lawn bowl greens at the other centers are receiving light weekly fertilizations. They have been aerated during the summer with hollow tines and on a more frequent basis with solid tines.

Grounds and Centers are going through normal summer trimmings. This fall we will spray a pre-emergent around all centers for Winter and Spring weeds. This process will prove to be less labor intensive than tackling weed problems as they arise.

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