General Manager Report – June 2018

by Jan Ek

Financial Report

With the correction of the miscalculation of the monthly spread of the annual property assessment income in the 2018 annual budget, the reported overall negative variance from budget last month has been eliminated and all division’s net operations are within budget year-to-date. The total 2018 budget for annual property assessment income has not changed, just the monthly allocation.

Utility expenses continue to be a challenge this year as both rates and weather affect these costs a great deal. As a result, utility expenses are very difficult to project. The expense varies a great deal from year to year. Due to a recent inquiry with APS, our electric provider, we have discovered that three of our golf course wells are on a rating system that allows for automatic yearly rate increases based on usage during a certain time of year. We have applied for these three wells to be placed on a water pumping only rate, the same as the other seven wells used for golf course watering. We have completed 2 of the 3 application processes to obtain that rate change. The final approval and agreement with APS should be forthcoming very soon which will decrease electric costs considerably for those three wells.


Recently, the United States Bowling Congress (USBC) performed inspections on all RCSC bowling lanes, approaches, foul lights and pin spotting. Minor issues were reported and have been corrected.

Bell Lanes will continue hosting the monthly summer No-Tap bowling tournaments which are held the last Sunday of each month. All bowlers are welcome whether USBC certified or not.

Lane conditioning machines have been updated and consumable parts have been replaced to ensure high scoring and pattern consistency for the upcoming fall season.

Director of Bowling Operations, Randy Johnson, has spoken with two different leagues that bowl at other centers that are interested in moving their league to RCSC bowling centers for the upcoming fall season. We are currently in the process of negotiations and confirming lane availability.

Cardholder Services

Payments on past due assessments in May were 13.8% of past due balances. Overall accounts receivables decreased in May by just under 2% and are at the lowest total since February 2013. All categories of receivables decreased in May except the 30 day category which had a 24% increase. April assessments went 30 days past due at an increased rate of 5.5%, which is typical for April receivables. March assessments went 60 days past due at a 2.1% rate.

Payments from our third-party collections firm totaled $15,766 in May and are 68% over the 2017 year to date amount. Payments made in May by Cardholders through the online RCSC Web Portal totaled $135,503 from 291 property owners. Year to date web portal payments total $651,404 from 1,435 property owners. It continues to be encouraging seeing the increase in the number of property owners that take advantage of the RCSC Web Portal.

In May, property transfer balances decreased by under 2.7% and lender related balances increased by 93.5% due to the low balance total at the end of April. Outstanding balances related to property transfers represent 52% of all receivables and past due balances. At the end of May trustee sale notices on Sun City AZ properties ended at 50 and properties owned by lending institutions at 13.

Human Resources

Human Resources is in the process of reviewing and revising human resources forms and updating the Corporation’s intranet as necessary. The RCSC Application for Employment and the Job Position Descriptions are two of the main forms being reviewed and revised. When completed these two forms will be included on the Corporation’s website under the Employment tab.

Recruiting and hiring has slowed down during the past two months due to a decrease in turnover and the availability of golf employees who otherwise would have been laid off during golf course closures.

Member Services

On Wednesday, June 18 we welcomed the band Americana to the Sundial Auditorium. Americana performed timeless songs from North American singers and songwriters like Simon & Garfunkel, Mamas & Papas, Gordon Lightfoot, The Carpenters, Jim Croce, Linda Ronstadt, Crosby Stills & Nash and many more!

Mark your calendars for Wednesday, July 4 from 9am-2pm to join us at the Bell Recreation Center Social Halls for the 40th Annual Ring That Bell Ceremony, followed by free bowling, shuffleboard, billiards, darts, music and dancing. Pulled pork sandwiches, chips and bottled water will be available for $6 from George’s Café. Donations from this event benefit the Sun City Foundation.

Three weeks later on Wednesday, July 25 we will be back at Sundial Auditorium for an evening with the Main Event Band.

Be sure to look for the 2019 Season Ticketed Concert Series line-up that will be released in the August SunViews.


For those who may not be aware, the monthly management reports are available on our website under the RCSC tab. Also, if you have not done so already, please sign up on the RCSC email list where you can designate topics of interest and stay in the loop with RCSC News Alert Emails!

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