RE: Executive Order 2021-06 – Face Masks Still Required by RCSC

Governor Ducey announced a new Executive Order ( today rescinding previous Executive Orders 2020-09, 2020-36, 2020-40, 2020-43, 2020-47, and 2020-52 which imposed government COVID-19 restrictions.

The fact that local governments (Counties, Towns, and Cities) can no longer enforce COVID-19-related policies adopted after March 11, 2020, including requirements to wear face coverings, does not mean that face masks at RCSC facilities will no longer be required.

Today’s Executive Order 2021-06 states: “Businesses, whether for-profit or non-profit, institutions, professions or entities that physically operate in this state and serve the public or are employers are encouraged to continue to take actions recommended by the CDC, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and ADHS to limit and mitigate the spread of COVID-19. ADHS shall update its guidance accordingly. These entities shall maintain the right to institute and enforce policies to mitigate against COVID-19 spread including the use of face coverings and physical distancing, and retain the right to refuse service to those who do not comply with the policies.”

For many RCSC employees, COVID-19 vaccines only became available on March 24, 2021 (just yesterday) when vaccination sites opened to all Arizonans 16 and older. While RCSC Management has already met today to discuss any and all opportunities to reduce restrictions in the future, it would not be prudent not to provide our staff the time needed to get their first and second vaccinations to become protected prior to removing mandated face mask and physical distancing restrictions.

Our current mask policy remains in place at this time. We continue to thank you for your continued cooperation and patience as we work through this process together with a common goal in mind – getting back to normal!


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