Sun City Digital Update

Sun City Update – Digital Version


As many of you know, Viewpoint Lake is officially open for your enjoyment!  We are working to put together a highlight page with features about the lake that we will share in January.  The following edition is a recap of holiday fun and the reopening of the lake!  Enjoy as you take in this holiday season.



The following comments were given at the Grand Reopening of Viewpoint Lake by General Manager Matthew D’Luzansky. 

“Good afternoon, here we are on this beautiful fall day, only about a week until Winter Begins, so get your wool hats and blankets ready for another tough valley winter.

My name is Matthew D’Luzansky, I am the General Manager here at the Recreation Centers of Sun City.

Thank you for coming out to help us celebrate our newly lined lake, while it took over a year to complete, it is back in service now and ready for recreation.

In fact we just added 1500 trout yesterday, so let the fishing begin!

Also, we have four new paddle boats for your exercise and enjoyment.

Please remember to understand and follow all the rules for your safety. If you have any questions about fishing or boating, or anything else, please ask one of our attendants, they will be happy to help you. We want you to have fun, and be safe too.

This lake, and Mount Webb here next to it, are two of the most beautiful and picturesque places in Sun City. Some call them the hidden gems of Sun City, to find out more about these gems and their history please visit the presentation over in the social hall. Thanks to the folks at the museum, primarily Ben and Bill, for pulling that together.

Thanks to Mike Wiprud, our Director of Building and Infrastructure, and his team, for persevering through the twists and turns of an entire lake rehab, and bringing it to this beautiful conclusion.”


Click here to watch Sun City in Focus feature the Grand Re-opening of the Lake!



The waiting has ended for those eager to fish at Viewpoint Lake once again!  Hard work, testing and preparation of the lake has deemed it suitable for some new residents – 1,500 rainbow trout!

The trout were safely placed into the water and range from one to two pounds on average.  Fishing has already started and so we wanted to share with you some safety tips for fishing and the lake in general.

It has been more than a year since fishing was available at the lake, but this is just the start to a return to normal fishing cycles.  The water will continue to be tested and maintained, as always, with more fish joining the lake in the future.  New fish habitats using recycled concrete from the former lake lining will keep the fish healthy as we continue to add more fish in 2024, and allow for future breeding.


Rules on Catching Fish

Please read and save the Cardholder’s Guide.

Viewpoint Lake is private water; no state fishing license is required.

Fishing may occur from dawn to dusk with two poles or lines simultaneously. No unattended fishing poles or lines are allowed. Fishing from all RCSC owned shoreline property is allowed, except the RCSC boat dock area unless designated otherwise by “No Fishing” signs.

Fishing from a boat should not occur closer than 25 feet from the shoreline or any dock, the screen outlet near Cameo Bridge or any other boat. Hooks caught on boats, property or other objects shall not be jerked or pulled; cut the line and tie to the object hooked and inform owner if property damage is involved.

While we only have trout in the lake at this time, please remember the limits on the different varieties:

Daily Fish Limit Allowed:                        (3 in total)

Largemouth Bass ……………………… 1 bass, 13-inch minimum length

Catfish / Trout …………………..……. 3 fish (any combination)

Bluegill / Sunfish / Common Carp ..……………………… 5 fish (any combination)

White Amur (grass carp)………………………………….….…. Catch & Release Only


Let’s Stay Safe at the Lake 

Usage of Viewpoint Lake is available to RCSC Cardholders and their invited guests, ages 6 years and older. All guests under 18 years of age and younger must be accompanied by an adult. Use of Viewpoint Lake and RCSC paddle and row boats are at the user’s own risk; no lifeguard is on duty.

  1. No swimming, wading, snorkeling, or scuba diving.
  2. No depositing trash in or around the lake. Violators will be charged for cleanup services.
  3. No feeding waterfowl or fish.
  4. No disturbing or harassing waterfowl.


Boating Available for RCSC Members on Public Side

Arizona boating laws and regulations apply. Each occupant must have a USCG life preserver on board and any occupant under the age of 13 must wear a properly secured life preserver at all times.

Boats shall not exceed 16 feet in length with a maximum of a 10 horse power motor. Paddle and row boats are available to RCSC Cardholders and their invited guests through the Lakeview Mini Golf Facility Attendant at no charge.

Users must comply with specific rules posted at Lakeview Mini Golf Facility Attendant Station for use of RCSC boats. Use of RCSC boats are at the user’s own risk. In an effort to prevent Golden Algae and Quagga Mussels, incoming watercraft, motors, trailers, fishing equipment and oars are to be clean and disinfected with a solution of one part bleach to ten parts water prior to being placed in Viewpoint Lake.

Boats and trailers being transferred from other lakes should be disinfected and allowed to dry a minimum of 72 hours before being placed in Viewpoint Lake.

Launch ramp gate shall be locked at all times. See Lakeview Mini Golf Facility Attendant Station or call 623-561-4676 for access.

  1. No wakes allowed.
  2. No jet skis, towables, fishing float tubes or waders, or any other floatation device unless USCG approved and labeled.
  3. Mushroom or ball anchors only. 4. No docking against the lake’s edge.



A holiday message from Matthew D’Luzansky, RCSC General Manager, made at the December Board Meeting:

“Good Morning!

Perhaps all of you are a bit sad this morning, since this is one of the last RCSC meetings of the year. But not to worry, Christmas and the New Year are upon us, and we will have an entire year of more fun and adventure with meetings, halls, and other get togethers, soon.

We do have a lot of motions to get to today, so I will be brief…

In case you missed it we had our holiday extravaganza last Friday at the Sundial Rec Center, which raised almost $5,000 for the Sun City Foundation, and put some holiday cash into the pockets of several lucky participants. Thanks to all who participated, and our wonderful staff that ran the event. And a special thanks to Mike Dirmyer, our esteemed bowling leader, who volunteered to step in and shepherd our staff for last Friday’s event, and beyond…

We also had record participation in the decorated golf cart tour, with over 100 official entrants. It was much longer this year with half the route on streets and half on the golf course, it took over half an hour to complete, with hundreds lining the route with family and friends.

Coming up tomorrow we have the official opening of the newly relined and refurbished lake at 3:30 at the dock. And there will be 1500 new residents there, in the form of rainbow trout, being added even now as I speak. The boat parade will be small, as many lakefront homeowners have not gotten their boats in yet, but it will be a starting point for future parades.

We have learned a lot this year, in many areas of the RCSC, and plan to use that knowledge to make next year better. With changes to our planning and schedules, with improvements in our communications and timeliness, and adjustments to our staff and organizational structure.

So thank you, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!” – MD RCSC GM


Reminder of our Holiday Schedule!

Click here to see what is open and what is closed through the New Year!  Happy New Year!


RCSC Board of Directors Meeting 
Summary & Video Link

We will be including a section featuring meeting and event videos as well as Board of Directors Meeting minutes/summaries, in a portion of our digital updates.  The goal is to cut down on the number of emails we send, while offering important information in an easy to digest manner.  We appreciate any feedback or requests.

From Board of Directors meeting held on Thursday, December 14, 2023:
Click Here to review the Board Meeting Summary
Click Here to view the video of the Board Meeting via YouTube


Welcome New Directors

The RCSC Board of Directors election results are in.  The number of ballots cast in this year’s election totaled 2,015.

The successful candidates elected to serve on the RCSC Board beginning in 2024 for full three-year terms are:

  • Preston Kise who received 1,482 votes,
  • Connie Jo Richtmyre who received 1,315 votes, and
  • James Rough who received 1,275 votes.And….

Anita Borski received 1,251 votes and will serve a one-year term on the Board.

The newly elected Board Members were installed at the Board of Directors meeting on December 14, 2023 and will be seated as of January 1, 2024.

Congratulations to those elected to serve on the Board and thanks to those who ran in this election for your willingness to serve the community.

RCSC Board of Directors President Kat Fimmel’s comments:  “On behalf of the RCSC Board of Directors, we congratulate you on your election to the board.  The RCSC Board & the Members has placed their trust in your leadership, expertise and judgment to act in the best interests of the community as a whole. We thank you and wish you success.“  (Comments in video above)

Outgoing Director John Nowakowski also offered thanks to the RCSC staff and Board of Directors, as he was thanked for completing his three-year term. Director Denny Nichols was also thanked as he ended his appointment to the Board as well.



Tickets still available; Concerts begin on January 3



New?  Or Not – Let us Welcome You!

The Sun City Welcome Center recently changed its name from what was known as the “Visitors Center” as a way to remind the community of what our priority is:  welcoming RCSC Members & Cardholders.

We offer presentations, a Sun City Experience and volunteer-based guidance to connect new Members & Cardholders to the amenities, activities and interests  you moved here to enjoy.  However, we love to meet Members & Cardholders who have lived in Sun City for years and want to find out how to get involved in more activities.

Our office is located just south of Bell Road on 99th Avenue, at the far north end of the Bell Center.  We have numerous resources and experts who have lived in Sun City for decades, who would love to answer your questions, and help you live the lifestyle you deserve.

As they say, in Sun City, you have to work hard to be bored!  But, if you com visit the Sun City Welcome Center at 16824 N. 99th Ave., it is easy to get connected, busy and live your best life!

We also can help connect you to community services to help you or a loved one. You can call for questions as well at (623) 977-5000.

Make 2024 the best Sun City year yet!   Schedule your Sun City Experience here.

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