The Recreation Centers of Sun City, Inc. (RCSC) ended March within its operating and capital budget year to date. All Divisions except Bowling and Food & Beverage have met or exceeded their net operating budget projections year to date. Bowling was ($14.8k) unfavorable to budget due to the timing of the purchase of $17.0k worth of bowling pins budgeted in the month of May. Food & Beverage was ($23.3k) unfavorable due to Building and Equipment Repair ($18.7k) unfavorable to budget. Operating Income for March totaled $2,848k and was ($8.8k) unfavorable to budget due to Cardholder and Public Daily Greens Fees being below budget by ($11.1k) and ($8.9k) respectively. Operating expenses for the month were $2,054k and ($66.5k) unfavorable to budget due primarily to Building Repair expenses being ($42.2k) unfavorable to budget. Year to date Net Operating Excess was $2,017.5k and favorable to budget by $513.2k (25.4%). This favorable year to date Operating Excess was due to Wages and Benefits being favorable to budget by $298.9k, Projects being $103.7 favorable to budget due to the timing of project completion, and General Operating Expenses being favorable by $226.4 due to the timing of Furniture and Equipment purchases.
Cardholder Services:
Payments on past due assessments in March were 13.3% of past due balances. Overall accounts receivable increased in March by 5.1% and are up 3.2% from the end of 2023. Overall accounts receivable for past due balances increased in March by 0.8%. February assessments went 30 days past due at a rate of 6.0% and January assessments went 60 days past due at a rate of 3.5%.
Payments from third-party collections firms totaled $25,443 in March and totaled $61,155 year to date. March payments made through the online Web Portal totaled $309,144 from 562 property owners. Year to date online portal payments total $779,847 from 1,421 property owners.
In March, property transfer balances increased by 2.6%. Outstanding balances related to property transfers represent 52% of all receivables and 52% of past due balances. March trustee sale notices on Sun City AZ properties remained at 25, and properties owned by lending institutions decreased to 1.
In March, the new Purchasing department continued to bring existing vendors under formal Master Service Agreements, and at month-end had executed 14 of the 15 agreements drafted to date. Purchasing has executed a new service agreement for maintenance of Viewpoint Lake water quality and is coordinating the evaluation of responses to the RFP for the new RCSC Website. The department is working with Human Resources to develop a job description / posting for a contract specialist position at RCSC.
In March, the Safety and Compliance Department partnered with Cardholder Services to provide a one-stop distribution point for tokens that provide access to Oakmont, Duffeeland Dog Park, and several clubs. More locations will be coming online in the future. Safety is conducting first aid classes throughout the month of April for RCSC employees, board members, committees, club officers and club monitors. Final adjustments on the member/cardholder engagement platform (replacing paper comment cards) are being made along with communication and staff straining. Be on the lookout for the announcement of this new way to communicate with RCSC.
Comment Cards responded to in March: 138. Year-to-Date: 667.
Incident Reports investigated in March: 44. Year-to-Date: 112.
Human Resources:
Human Resources opened 10 requisitions during the month of March and filled 14 requisitions, ending the month with 4 open positions. Year-to-date, HR has opened 41 requisitions and filled 42 open positions. The time-to fill requisition KPI in March was 5.7 days.
In March of 2024, Bowling lineage totaled 35,451, compared to 37,859 in March of 2023, a decrease of 6%. Year to date lineage through March 2024 totaled 103,662 lines, compared to 103,869 through March 2023, a decrease of 207 games.
Bowling Revenue in March 2024 totaled $99,1804 which was 3% lower than the March 2023 revenue of $103,380. Year to date, 2024 Bowling revenue is $293,112, or 3% greater than the total revenue through March of 2023.
Reporting changes of league play payments went into effect in March. Prior payments for the entire season were calculated in the month received, revenues should balance out with the May report.
Sunday nights at Sun Bowl ran through April. Weather cooperated, only having to move one show. The shows at Sun Bowl will once again begin in September. The Activities department is working on adding new events throughout the summer. Look for details soon to come.
The Welcome Center had 801 guests come in the doors in March. We are continuing to collect data from these individuals to analyze and use for member benefit. In March the most visitors that completed the survey were between the ages of 60-69. 72% heard about Sun City from family and friends. The most popular activities of interest were fitness, golf, and swimming. The Communications group has undergone a few changes lately. With the addition of the Clubs/Activities/Communications Leader, we feel this will bring the group together as a team.
The peak season is here at the recreation centers in Sun City. March has been the busiest month so far this year. There were almost 12,000 more visits to the centers compared to February, and over 19,500 more visits to the centers compared to January. The nice weather this month resulted in over 1000 more visits to Hillside Park compared to last month. There were over 7,000 more visits to the pools last month. Lakeview and Mountain View had many more visits to the pools than previous months.
In Process:
Mountain View Rec Center Phases 1 and 2 (PIF)
Sun Bowl Softball Field Improvements (PIF) Status: Green
Recently Completed:
Bell Recreation Center
Lakeview Recreation Center
Sun Dial Recreation Center
Marinette Recreation Center
Mountain View Recreation Center
Willow Trades Office Building/Golf Maintenace Yard
WORK ORDERS (Skilled Trades, Repair and Maintenance):
Lawn Bowls – Green speeds range from a low of 12.0 seconds at Mountain View to a high of 13.5 seconds at Bell South. Moisture readings range from a low of 8.3 at Oakmont to a high of 12.0 at Mountain View. Mowing twice a week, rolling three times a week, cleaning ditches three times a week. We aerify and fertilize all greens. We will start verticutting soon.
Grounds – We mow the softball field twice a week. We grade the infield four times a week. Getting ready to do our summer maintenance program. Trimming brushes around the centers spraying weeds. Lakeview and Sunbowl are mowed once a week. Putting rocks around Mountain View mini golf. Pulling brushes out at Marinette between pickle ball courts. The crew has been busy removing the deadwood and cleaning up the bushes around the RCSC property and removing the husks from the palm trees. ~ Scott Jones
IT Support Requests:
Tickets: The number is staying steady; however, the staff is providing training which aids in keeping the ticket numbers down. Our two Support Specialists, although still learning, they take 80% of the Helpdesk Tickets, and equipment deployments.
The Infrastructure Project first phase migration to new TEG Server has now been completed, we are estimating the end of April, first part of May for completion of the Migration to new Server environment. While working on this major project our team has also been working on other projects like ADT, all of the Club office move, Accounting, Center Supervisor, Kiosks moves and setups.
WIFI: We continue to work through the WIFI project. Updating of the telephone system was approved the first week of April. The Bell Recreation Center re-wiring project began April 8th.
Major Accomplishments/Progress for Month:
Other accomplishments:
Pro Shops:
The bump rate (those golfers requesting a tee time through the lottery that were unsuccessful), followed the pattern of the first two months and improved over prior year. For the month there was an increase in the number of requests of 1,770 (17,700 in 2023 versus 19,470 in 2024), however the number of golfers bumped dropped by 415 (1,913 in 2023 versus 1,498 in 2024). Overall, our bump rate was 7.69% for the month. We now have 42 Rangers on the courses, and we have a Lead Ranger. More individuals are becoming interested in the Ranger Program.
Snack Shops:
Superintendent Update (Chuck Hyppa – Area Superintendent):
It finally feels as though Winter is behind us. Temperatures are reaching the mid to high 80’s with 90’s on the horizon. This alone will promote Bermudagrass green up as well as heat stress to the Winter Ryegrass. We will remain diligent in our efforts to have a smooth transition. By the first part of May, we will have made our 2nd application of Dimension, our pre-emergent Herbicide, to help eradicate the encroachment of Goose and Crabgrass. This should also have some strength to keep the Nutsedge at bay.
You will begin seeing the aerators out in the roughs really trying to decrease the compaction and promote healthy Bermudagrass growth. This will be ongoing throughout the summer months. We will be making a very important Spring fertilizer application to the courses in early May. This will jump start the lateral growth of the Bermudagrass as the Ryegrass is in a weakened state. After all the rains we had in the first quarter of the year it is paramount that we capitalize on a strong Summer growing season.
The Poa that we see in the roughs is simply a breakthrough after all the rains, however each Superintendent is treating their respective courses to alleviate this issue. As the temps increase the Poa will begin to go away very similar to the Ryegrass. We appreciate your continued support of RCSC Golf.