The selection committee of the RCSC Board of Directors has announced the nine members who will be seated on the reinstated Long Range Planning Committee:
The Board Director selected as President in 2018 will be responsible for appointing the Chair and Co-Chair for this committee (as well as all other RCSC committees) early next year as part of the appointment approval process.
Special thanks are extended to the following RCSC Board Directors of the selection committee for their hard work and attention to detail during this process: Secretary Stella VanNess, Director Jerry Walczak and Director Bruce Alleman.
All RCSC Committees meet in the Lakeview Center Board Room (upper level) and scheduled meetings dates, times can be found on the RCSC website at under the RCSC tab.
Lakeview Center is located at 10626 W. Thunderbird Blvd. in Sun City, AZ.